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Friday, December 30, 2011

FREE Finance Software to Start The Year RIGHT!

Last year about this time I was introduced to Mint.com. I tried it for a few weeks and I loved it. You can read what I had to say about it here but I was anxious to come back and review this program after a year.

Mint has been a HUGE time-saver for me! My favorite features include being able to set up my own categories and budgets that are specific to our family. I also love all the visual tools they have available. A quick glance on the bar graph lets me know if we are on track with our budget for this month or not. I also really enjoyed looking at the data over a year's time to really see where our money goes. What can I say, I'm a sucker for pie charts. ;)

One of the neatest features is being able to "split" a transaction. Let's say I'm at Target purchasing household items and also picking up a birthday gift. Instead of me having to "split" the transaction at Target, I can do it with a click of the mouse at home and designate just how much of the purchase should go into each category. They also have apps for iPhone and Android, so you can check it on the go.

It's the start of a new year, which is the perfect time to get your finances in order. I hope that you will love MINT just as much as I do. Did I mention that it was FREE? Check it out for yourself.

Mint.com also comes with some amazing reviews from Time, PC Mag, and Money Magazine who give it extremely high marks for security, functionality, and ease of use!



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