Welcome FUSION readers!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Savvy Blogging Summit - July 2010

Oh, you have NO idea how excited I am right now! A few weeks ago I filled out my application to attend a conference hosted by Savvy Blogging. Only 60 bloggers were chosen to attend. Wait for it..... ME! I was selected to go to the Summit!!! This is a HUGE opportunity for me and Coupon Queen Diaries.

When I first got into blogging, I had no idea what I was doing (except for the coupon part). Running a website is a whole new world with rules and regulations and technology. I've learned a lot in the past year but, as things have started to grow, I realized that I needed something more. If I'm gonna blog (or do anything in life) I want to do it the best I can. I know that the Savvy Blogging Summit has the answers I am looking for.

Ok, here's the scary part. I am a nervous wreck about how to finance this trip. Again, it is a HUGE opportunity and I am going to do everything I can to be there! So, I need your help. Here are some simple and painless ways that you can help this coupon queen get to that Summit!

Sponsorship - If you or your company would like to sponsor all or part of my trip in exchange for advertising, please contact me at couponqueendiaries@gmail.com. I'd love to talk to you more about the demographic of readers who visit my blog on a daily basis and how this can benefit you. We can also talk about some creative ways for me to advertise your company while I am traveling.

Coupons - If you read this blog, you probably print coupons. Each time that you visit sites through my affiliate links, I earn a small (very small) amount. However, those pennies add up eventually. For example.... Instead of typing in www.coupons.com, you could add http://coupons.couponqueendiaries.com to your bookmarks (or favorites) and use that link to print from each time. Here are some others.

Swagbucks - I heart Swagbucks. I typically have used my SBs to earn Amazon gift cards but I learned that they have Southwest Gift Cards too. I'm definitely going to need that! If you haven't yet signed up for Swagbucks, now is the time. Sign up, start searching & tell your friends to sign up too. Every time that my referrals win Swagbucks, so do I. Just make sure that you sign up under my affiliate link http://swagbucks.couponqueendiaries.com . Swagbucks is FREE and you get to earn cool prizes simply by doing an every day activity... searching the web. You can learn more about Swagbucks here.

Workshops & Classes - I am also looking for readers to host my workshops & classes. We could do this in your home, your church or at your office. For anyone who contacts me to organize a class, I will waive their participation fee. Go here to learn about the different workshops that I offer.

Donation - If you are simply feeling generous, you can make a financial donation to help me make this trip. Every $ helps and I would be beyond grateful for your kindness. (Email or RSS readers will need to click through to the webpage to access the secure online giving form below)

Thanks again for being a faithful reader of my blog. I hope to come back from this conference energized, motivated, and full of ideas to take Coupon Queen Diaries to the next level.


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