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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Frugal 101: Changing The Way You Shop

LinkIf you are reading this blog then it's pretty safe to say that you want to save money. Most likely your current shopping style isn't working out for you in the money department. Maybe you need to stretch your pennies as far as possible. I'm here to help. However, be forewarned, this will change the way you shop!

Before we head out to the grocery store, we often make a list. It may be on a piece of paper or even just a mental note, but we go to the store with the intention of buying something. Granted, we may go in for milk and bread but many times we come out with much more.

We have to start with this very first step and change it.

Making a grocery list typically involves looking through the pantry, cabinets, fridge/freezer to see what we are out of. Would you be surprised if I told you this is a no-no? If you want to be a frugal shopper, this is NOT how to make your grocery list for the week.

Okay?! So, what is the right way?

Instead of looking to see what you are out of, I want you to start looking at the sales ads FIRST! If you want to stop paying full price for groceries, then you need to start looking at what's on sale. The goal is to get items as inexpensively as possible and we will talk more about that in the coming weeks. At the very least, you should make an effort to get an item when it is on sale.

If you are just getting started with my Frugal 101 series, I want to encourage you to read my other posts where I discuss finding out what's on sale and shopping the front page of the sales ad.

As I continue this series, we are going to take this idea of predominately shopping what's on sale and build upon it. Up next, meal planning.

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